Sunday, 11 July 2010

Don't Panic, Douglas Adams and the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy - Neil Gaiman

The late Douglas Adams (DNA) was a genius - famous for missing deadlines (hence the 'late'), famous for his wonderful Hitchhikers trilogy (not a trilogy), and now famous for having died young and at the height of his talents (also hence the 'late').

I was introduced to his writing by my parents, but not as you'd expect with HHGTG, but with the little black book with 'this book will change your life' on the front cover - The meaning of Lif.  If you haven't read it stop reading this review now and go and find it immediately!

This review isn't of a Douglas Adams book - it's a of a book about him, but not a biography as such.

Neil Gaiman (another genius and fav author of mine), was obviously a friend and admirer of DNA.  This book by Gaiman tells the stories of how DNA came to write; mainly HHGTG, but also his lesser known novels (Dirk Gently), the travel/environmental collaboration with Mark Carwardine, Lif (with John Lloyd) and all the numourous Hitchhikers spin offs (the books, game, tv programme, radio sequels etc).

If you are a DNA fan this is a must read; if you aren't a fan I'd say don't bother - a working knowledge of his writing is essential.  Gaiman tells stories, quotes others involved and also collects together scenes and episodes not published before or cut from the original radio series.

Obviously written before DNAs untimely death, I wonder how Gaiman would finish it now?

Bought on Green Metropolis
7th - 11th July 2010

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