Thursday, 7 January 2010

Last Chance to See - Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine

So, for the first book of the year I decided on something reasonably light, but also informative and interesting - not to mention extremely funny (Adams' writing, not the subject matter which is, of course, very serious). I've been meaning to read this book for years but never quite got round to it. I haven't seen the recent BBC programmes by Stephen Fry and Mark Carwardine revisiting some of the species from this book - but it's on my Amazon wishlist now!

The basic premise of the book is that a writer and a zoologist travel around the world visiting very endangered species in order to make a radio programme (for the BBC) and raise the profile of the animals in danger.

Animals such as the giant Komodo dragon of Indonesia, the helpless, flightless kakapo of New Zealand (the descriptions of their mating techniques had me crying with laughter!), the white rhinos of Zaire and the blind river dolphins of the Yangtze River in China (which they never did get to see, and I'm sorry to say now never will).

I've always been a fan of Douglas Adams, Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy is one of the few books I've read more than a few times, and The Meaning of Liff is a work of genius. Although the book is obviously about the loss of species across the world, and the fact that humans are to blame for the plight that many find themselves in; this book is more of a travel journal recounting the trials and tribulations met by Douglas Adams and Mark Carrardine as they try to visit the animals.

The book has also certainly met one of it's aims, my interest has been sparked enough to make me go and look for further information on each of the animals featured.

Had in my library for sometime (think it might belong to an ex-boyfriend!)
1st - 7th January 2010

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