Sunday 10 June 2012

The Third Policeman - Flann O'Brien

Jen wrote her MA English dissertation about this book, and when she told me about it I was intrigued.

'Weird' is a good word for it, another is 'Surreal', especially since the book was written in 1939 but not published until 1966 (the writer failed to find a publisher so withdrew the book, it was published after his death).

The unnamed narrator of the book tells the story of his life; being orphaned, discovering the writings of de Selby, breaking his leg (and having a wooden one fitted), returning to his family home to a man who is obviously a crook, murder, a quest for a box full of money, ghosts, policemen, imprisonment, unbelievable things and bicycles.

I'm not going to tell you what happens, it's a short book and well worth a read - very surreal in places, make sure you read the (sometimes extensive) footnotes, and certainly worth the effort.

Green Metropolis
24th January - 3rd March 2012

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