Sunday 12 July 2009

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - Jane Austin & Seth Grahame-Smith

Now I like a good classic; 20,000 leagues under the sea, Dracula, Count of Monte Cristo....but the Austen novels have never held any appeal to me. Girlie twaddle in my opinion. I've tried the films but the characters are annoying and the plots are just moronic.

Sorry if that offends anyone, and I know it's controversial, but it's the way I feel. But when I spotted 'P&P&Z' in book shop I saw the chance to read one of these classics, but with added 'all-new scenes of bone-crunching zombie mayhem' as it states on the cover.

It's great! Austen's novel remains (I believe) but Grahame-Smith has subtly added the zombie action. Mrs Bennet is still searching for husbands for her daughters, all of whom are trained in the ancient arts of combat; Mr Darcy is still as arrogant as ever - but a dab hand with a sword and not scared of beheading any unmentionables who wander across his path; and the endless balls, parties and teas still take place, when not interrupted by zombies breaking into the kitchen and eating the brains of the household staff.

Of course Elizabeth hates Mr Darcy, feeling that she "must avenge her honour ... She meant to follow this proud Mr Darcy outside and open his throat.", a threat she does not have time to follow through due to a crowd of zombies invading the ballroom.

If you've seen the film or read the book you'll already know the story - but even if you have read the original and loved it, this version is entertaining and funny in ways that the original couldn't hope to achieve.

I'm sure that Jane Austen would be mortified, at least I hope she would be!

Bought for me as a birthday present by John.
22nd May - 12th July 2009

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