Sunday, 6 February 2011

Far from the sodding crowd - Robin Halstead, Jason Hazeley, Alex Morris, Joel Morris

This is a sequel to the equally entertaining 'B**locks to Alton Towers', being a list and explanation of some of the more unusual and eccentric places to visit in the British Isles.

I'm pleased to say that I've even visited a number of them already (Papplewick Pumping Station, the Witchcraft Museum and the National Fruit Collection at Brogdale).

But I honestly don't think there will ever be a shortage of these places to visit - they are so typically English in their eccentricity!

On my list of must visit places are the Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising; the Bakelite Museum, Bramah Museum of Tea and Coffee, and Fitzpatrick's Temperance Bar.

The writers don't take the piss, they highlight the best and silliest parts of each attraction, and why they are a must visit.

Although I borrowed this from the library I'll be buying a copy for myself to go with e earlier edition. I hope that I'm not too busy to visit some of the places mentioned as this was published in 2007.

Borrowed from Sheffield Central Library
6th February 2011

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