Tuesday, 20 April 2010

The good man Jesus and the scoundrel Christ - Philip Pullman

I'm a fan of Phillip Pullman - not just his writing (His Dark Materials books although written for children are excellent), but also of his atheist stance (and his outspoken views).

So it was obvious that I'd be getting this book, and I knew that John would want to read it too.  It's not long, and is part of a series of books written by 'the world's finest authors', each a retelling of a well known myth.

I guess there will be those who do not regard the life of Jesus Christ to be a 'myth', but I've always believe it to be so or at least a story that could (or could not) be based on fact.  As the back cover proclaims in large letters 'THIS IS A STORY.'

Even if you've never read a bible story or heard any Christian parables I know that you'll have at least a vague knowledge of the life of Jesus, this book retells the stories but with a twist - Jesus Christ was not one man, but actually two brothers; Jesus and Christ.  The story tells of their birth to Mary and Joseph (in a stable), their lives and ultimately the death - as I said you'll know the story.

As you can see this book only took me two days to read, it's a short story essentially.  But it's well written and one thing can't be denied, Philip Pullman knows his bible and can tell a good story!  It's interesting and well written, and the Christian Pullman haters will be surprised to know that it's made me want to read the story in the bible - although I think I know it, it's been a long time since I went to church or read any religious writing.

The book is controversial, but not in that it denegrates or distorts the story of Jesus Christ, more that it chooses to put forward a different possible version of events - well it's been a long time!  One thing that Pullman makes very clear is to highlight the misinterpretation and misuse of these stories - even possibly by those who were closest to the protagonists. To be honest I'm not sure about the meaning of the title, and wonder if it wasn't thought up just to get attention?

Bought on Amazon
19th-20th April 2010

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