Wednesday 15 April 2009

Nation - Terry Pratchett

The kids gave Nation to John for his birthday, it's a children's book - but don't be put off.

As many will know Pratchett is a master of words and storytelling. I've read, and enjoyed, a few of the Discworld novels; but this is not one of those.

Mau lives on an island, the 'Nation', part of the 'Mothering Sunday Islands' in the Great Southern Pelagic Ocean; he's just returned from the Boy's Island - he'd been expecting a welcome on the beach - he is now a Man.

But when he returns he finds everything, and everyone, gone. A HUGE wave has destroyed everything, and brought a large ship, the Sweet Judy with a one survivor.

Now Mau is the only member of the 'Nation', he must defend the island, keep the customs, make the beer and please the gods - even if he isn't sure that he believes in them.

The new inhabitant of the island is a 'trouserman' girl, she has been brought up properly - being that she is 139 in line for the crown of the Empire - but this isn't the empire, and things are done differently in the middle of nowhere (not that her grandmother would ever believe that).

Don't be fooled by the cover text, this is not a funny book (well certainly not like Pratchett's others), but it is a wonderfully crafted story of friendship, tradition, theology and science. I found myself growing to love the idea of the Nation, to care for the strange Mrs Gurgle, for the Pantaloon (or Grandfather) birds who throw up their dinner straight after eating it, and especially for Mau and the trousergirl, Daphne.

My only hope for this book is that they don't ruin it by trying to make it into a film.

29th (ish) March - 13th April 2009

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