Firstly, I'm not entirely sure who this book is aimed at? If it's for Malcolm Gladwell fans in the States then they've more likely than not read most of it already (it's a collection of articles from his time at a staff writer with The New York Tiimes), if it's fans in the UK then it's of interest but I found many of the articles weren't really of interest or assumed a knowledge of American culture/politics that I just don't have.
So, perhaps it's for those who don't know his work? But then for me it's not a good representation of his writing. Where Gladwell shines for me is when he really gets his teeth into an issue or idea, as in his books 'Blink' or 'Outliers'.
Subjects here range from the fall of Enron to the dangers (or not) of pitbull type dogs.....quite an eclectic mix.
It took me some time to read, and if I'm honest I did give up on some of the articles. I have this in hard back, and much as I was looking forward to it (actually excited at the idea of a new Gladwell book!), I'm very pleased that I didn't pay full hard back price for it.
If you've not read anything by Gladwell, don't start here; if you've read his other work you'll probably enjoy this one - or at least parts of it!
Bought on Green Metropolis
May/June/July 2010