Thursday, 31 December 2009

Breaking Dawn - Stephanie Meyer

Well, it was inevitable that I wouldn't be able to wait for the paperback - especially since I'd heard that they were holding off releasing it as the hardback was selling so well (greedy bastards!).

So the final part of the Twilight series became my Christmas reading, and it took me longer to read this one than the others - and not because of the length, more as it just wasn't as engaging as the others.

The relationship sparkle between Edward and Bella just didn't seem to be there, and there was very little action until near the end of the book, I'd even go so far as to say that it is overly long. I'll not give the plot away, but needless to say the relationship between the vampires and the werewolves certainly takes a different turn; and of course Bella is under threat again (although this time she's able to defend herself!).

In fact I'm finding it difficult to think what exactly to say about this book except that it finished things off and left an large chance of more sequels. I did enjoy it, and if there are more I'll look forward to them as much as the others, I just hope Meyer can keep the word count down!

24th - 31st December 2009
Bought on Green Metropolis

Thursday, 24 December 2009

The Luck Factor - Richard Wiseman

This is the third Richard Wiseman book I've read this year, and I think I'm upto date with all his published work! But as popular psychology it's really enjoyable to read, and you feel like you are learning something as well.

The basic premise of the book is that everyone can be lucky - it's just a state of mind. Wiseman presents scientific studies to support his ideas about how we can be lucky.

He puts forward the idea that there are four principles to luck -

  1. Maximise your chance opportunities
  2. Listen to your lucky hunches
  3. Expect good fortune
  4. Turn your bad luck into good

Each one is explained with examples, and then in the next part of the book he gives practical ways of increasing your luck, in fact throughout the book you are encouraged to take part in tests and tasks.

I've always considered myself to be lucky, but I truly do think that some of the ideas in this book will help me increase my luck.

In fact it's already had an affect. Whilst sitting on a train to Manchester reading about 'maximising your chance opportunities' I looked up and noticed that the woman sat opposite me was familiar. More than familiar I realised that although I didn't know her personally I did know that she was an archaeology lecturer at a local university. Within minutes we were talking, and was telling her about my photography business, before we parted when I got off the train she asked me to email details of my website and she would forward them to all the staff in the department - result!!

The other main idea from the book that will stay with me is the notion of 'turning bad luck into good'. This is about perception, believing that what at first appears to be bad luck will probably turn out to be good luck. In my case this is things like being made redundant (both times have actually ended up being the best thing that ever happened!) and my parents dying so young and so close together (obviously terrible, but also had some very positive outcomes for me).

As with Richard Wiseman's other books I would certainly recommend this one - as you can see, I'm becoming a bit of a fan of his!

Bought on Green Metropolis
10th - 24th December 2009

Saturday, 5 December 2009

Living dead in Dallas - Charlaine Harris

I said I'd give Sookie Stackhouse and her friends one more try, and this is the second book in the ever expanding True Blood franchise - but it is the last one I plan to read.

As with the first, I enjoyed it - but in a guilty, slightly dirty way. Afterwards I was left with the feeling that my brain needed some kind of disinfectant.

Having been introduced to Sookie the waitress and her boyfriend, Bill the Vampire, in the first book; the second gets down to business. That business is Sookie using her telepathic skills to help vampires solve crimes.

Flown to Dallas (on an airline that caters for vampires travelling in their coffins, and staying in a hotel which guarantees security in the daylight hours), the couple embark on a search for a vampire who seems to have been kidnapped by a bunch of raving loony religious nutters.

This book is just as badly written as the first, in fact if I'm honest it's probably worse. Try;

"Vampires won't go around in any Geo. Isabel waited until I'd buckled my seat belt (she and Bill didn't bother to use them) before pulling away from the curb, which surprised me."
Would that be that she was surprised that they didn't use seat belts, or (as it reads) that the car pulled away from the curb!?!

Anyway, with everyone (well, a couple of people) raving about the television series from HBO I've bought the box set of the first serious - at least the terrible writing won't be a problem (and hopefully they will have got a good script writer in!).

I'm now off to find something suitably intellectual to read - my brain deserves it!

Bought on Green Metropolis
4th - 5th December 2009